About Me
Hi there, my name is PAN Fei (潘飞 / 潘飛). I am an Assistant Professor at Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China. My research focuses on artificial intelligence, robotics, and biomedical engineering. This is my personal webpage where I share updates about my work and interests.
Please vist Lingnan Scholar, or CityU Scholar, or ResearchGate
Join My Research Team
I am seeking self-motivated PhD students. If you are passionate about research and eager to contribute to exciting projects, I encourage you to apply. For more details, please check the recruitment announcement.
Tutorial: Learn how to use the pTeX-ng engine, a rising star for typesetting CJK documents.
CityU PhD thesis template: This is a PhD thesis template that I adapted for my own thesis. Research postgraduates from Lingnan University are also welcome to use it. I will continue to update it to ensure compliance with LU regulations. Please note that Overleaf has recently reduced its compilation speed for free user, so it's recommended to download the template and compile it on your own computer or use alternative services. To compile the document, run the following commands:
- xelatex --shell-escape thesis.tex
- biber thesis
- makeglossaries thesis
- xelatex --shell-escape thesis.tex
- xelatex --shell-escape thesis.tex
These commands will ensure proper compilation of the document, including references and glossaries.
Contact Information
Email: fei.pan@LN.edu.hk
Tel: +852 2616 8526
Feel free to reach out with any questions or inquiries.